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compression burst test iconCompressive Burst Testing

Sometimes the only required measure of a package’s strength for stacking, is its resistance to bursting under compression. Unlike a top-load or crush test, failure is detected as a sharp drop in resistance under compression, and can be a valuable test for sachets, pouches and plastic tube containers. Caps, closures and seals can be independently tested, but the overall integrity, or weakest point for a filled container remains a practical consideration.

In the case of contaminating or sterile contents, sophisticated leak detection down to molecular level may be required. For all others, simple pressure from a non-puncturing plate or cylinder, with adequate containment can be enough.

The test is one of simple compression and break detection. This may be a sharp break for either very fluid contents or catastrophic failure, or a percentage break detection for more viscous contents or gradual failure.

Related test types

See examples of our capabilities

See Mecmesin’s range of compressive burst testers

International standards and methods for burst testing

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