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Physiological strength - Capability Statements

Bite compressive strength testing

Tooth and jaw compressive strength and bite efficiency

Scientific research in the sphere of physiology, anatomy and medicine has far-reaching impact on the health and well-being of humankind. The methodical application of testing and investigation into how biological systems behave and react to change allows the furtherment of medical science. The discipline of dentistry can employ mechanical testing to evaluate the bite strength of the mandible/maxilla system throughout the aging and wearing process, by repeatable compressive strength tests. One specific example uses a computer-controlled test stand to compress a plaster of Paris dome-shaped sample (which has comparable mechanical properties to hard, brittle food items, like nuts) to measure ultimate bite strength. Dental model attachments to the compression plate represent the tooth profile within the jaw and in addition to the force measurement, further evaluation of the fractured sample – size and number of fragments - also influence the scientific appraisal of mechanical performance. As the teeth wear, the profile changes and the effectiveness over time of the ability to fracture the foodstuff can be determined. The test program records the peak force at fracture and uses stop-at-break functionality to avoid damage and reset, then the output data is further analysed in Excel® - allowing the flexibility to continue research out in the field, by use of portable computers. The Emperor™ software’s ability record all of the data is invaluable in the thorough understanding necessary in a scientific project. Furthermore, this ethical engineering solution negates the need to experiment with living primate specimens.

Mecmesin Systems: MultiTest computer-controlled force test system, compression plate accessory

Metatarsophalangeal joint strength test platform and gaugePhysiological measurement of joint exertion force

Medical and veterinary facilities can utilise force testing equipment to evaluate the capabilities of human (or animal) subjects for any number of research projects. One purpose may be for the collection of data as input to the design of occupational health and safety products or equipment. In the specific example of the range of joint strength in patients' big toe (the metatarsophalangeal joint), the angle of the toe may also be significant. A bespoke testing platform incorporating an intelligent loadcell, would be required to allow the positioning of the foot consistently and hold the toe at measurable, variable angles. A portable digital gauge could be easily employed to capture the data from individual patients over time, and the compressive strength results analysed and used for research or educational purposes.

Mecmesin Systems: Advanced Force Gauge, S-Beam loadcells

Case Study: Physiological Measurement of Joint Strength

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