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Train Door Closing Force


The cradle enables any gauge to be used to measure door closing force

South West Trains required a system to measure the closing force (pinch) of their external flush fitting train doors.


A cantilever assembly was fitted to the rear of a 500 N Advanced Force Gauge. This enabled a direct compressive reading to be applied to the loadcell when the tips of the cantilever were placed in between the closing doors.

The pass/fail alarm feature on the gauge provided an immediate analysis of the result. The cantilever arrangement enabled the doors to be measured at a distance similar to the width of a human hand.

The operators hands were also well away from the test area, which would have proved difficult with a conventional loadcell solution.

This type of solution could be adapted for many similar applications by extending or reducing the length and profile of the cantilever beam.


  • 500 N AFG Advanced Digital Force Gauge (or any appropriate Mecmesin gauge)
  • Cantilever Fixture
    A force gauge rated to the expected loads maximises accuracyThe specially-design cradle enables the gauge to measure door closing force
or any appropriate Mecmesin gauge
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