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Test Summary

This standard is designed to measure the force to initiate tearing in plastic films generally having a thickness less than 0.25 mm. Specimens are cut to a closely defined shape, ideally using a die cutter. The specimen geometry has been chosen to produce a stress concentration in a small area of the specimen. The cut specimens are put under tension in a test stand set at a constant rate of movement while the resultant tensile force is recorded. The maximum force in newtons and amount of elongation in mm are reported.

Test Procedure

Samples are pre-conditioned if necessary and cut to a closely defined shape. A tensile tester with a constant rate of separation of the grips holding the specimen measures the maximum force and extension required to rupture the specimen.

Test Apparatus

  • Die cutter
  • Micrometer reading to 0.0025 mm
  • Force testing stand
  • Suitable range loadcell compatible with the force testing stand


Where conditioning is required, test specimens are stored at 23 ± 2° C, 50 ± 5 % RH for 40 hours.


  1. If required, pre-condition the samples at 23 ± 2° C, 50 ± 5 % RH for 40 hours.
  2. At least five samples are required. They may be cut perpendicular to the machine direction, or transvers to the machine direction of the sample material.
  3. Specimens are cut, ideally using a die cutter, which is kept in good condition to ensure the cut specimens do not deviate by more than 0.5 % from the dimensions specified.
  4. The thickness of the specimen is accurately measured in several points in the notched area and an average value calculated.
  5. Specimens are clamped between the fixed (usually lower) grip, and the moving (usually upper) grip of the force testing stand.
  6. The test stand is set in motion at a fixed crosshead speed of 51 mm/min.
  7. After complete rupture of the specimen the maximum tensile load is measured, together with the maximum extension.
  8. Calculate the mean maximum load and extension for all valid specimens tested in each principle direction of orientation.


The test report shall contain:

  • All the information necessary for the complete identification of the sample
  • The average thickness of each specimen, and the average thickness of all test specimens
  • The average value of tear resistance calculated in newtons, and the maximum extension in mm, plus standard deviations of these averaged values.

Mecmesin Test Equipment Required for ASTM D 1004

Please refer to the latest official ASTM D1004 standard for more detailed information. This overview is intended to provide a basic understanding of the test procedure and suitable equipment to meet the standard.

“Mecmesin test equipment is used for ensuring compliance with a wide range of test standards e.g. ASTM, BSI, DIN, ISO and MIL. For more information visit our Knowledge Centre to see examples of standards classified by test application www.mecmesin.com/knowledge-centre-test-types

For a quote or demo please contact us on +44 (0) 1403 799979 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


ASTM D1004 Tear resistance

ASTM D1004 Tear resistance  Graves tear

ASTM D1004 test set up

Plastic film cut for Graves tear testing

ASTM D1004 Graves tear test

ASTM D1004  Graves tear test

Results with Pass/Fail indication

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