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Test Summary

This standard describes the methods for testing the performance of reclosable child-resistant packaging. The data generated are suitable for comparing child-resistant characteristics of related reclosable packing systems
The standard incorporates 10 annexed tests including torque release, squeeze test, 'press-down and turn' engagement and other tests.


Test Procedure 

Child resistant systems are separated under standard conditions to provide data on proposed products when compared to reference data gathered on previously type-approved containers.


Test Apparatus 

Force testing equipment
Torque testing equipment
Special fixturing to enable measurements to be made while the child resistant system is opened.



Refer to the standard and the required annexes for details of the test to be performed and apparatus involved.


Mecmesin Test Equipment Required for BS EN ISO 13127:2012

Hand operated force and torque gauges can be used. Alternatively motorised stands will provide superior repeatability and safeguard the operator against repetitive strain injury

Force measuring equipment
AFG Advanced Force Gauge and MDD manual test stand
/advanced-force-gauge-afg    /precision-handwheel-driven-mdd
MultiTest-xt motorised test stand

Torque measuring equipment
Tornado digital torque tester
Vortex-xt motorised torque testing system

Please refer to the latest official BS EN ISO 13127 test standard for more detailed information. This overview is intended to provide a basic understanding of the test procedure and suitable equipment to meet the standard.

BS EN ISO 13127:2012 Packaging. Child-resistant packaging. Mechanical test methods for reclosable child-resistant packaging systems

Child-resistant closure testing with Tornado

BS EN ISO 13127 child-resistant closure testing

C-R closire tesing with Vortex-xt

BS EN ISO 13127 child-resistant closure testing

C-R closures

BS EN ISO 13127 child-resistant closure testing

Child-resistant closure tester

BS EN ISO 13127 child-resistant closure testing

Print and save results with Tornado

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