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 Test Summary

The standard describes the methods for testing the performance of 6% Luer lock fittings including assembly, leak tightness, stress cracking, and separation force. High precision reference fittings are assembled to the fitting under test by simultaneously applying a specified axial force and application torque. Mecmesin’s Helixa can be used to assemble the fittings as specified for subsequent testing as appropriate.

Test Procedure

Using the relevant precision reference fitting, the Helixa is used to apply the defined torque and axial load. The correctly assembled joint can then be tested for leak tightness, separation force, or resistance to overriding as required.

Test Apparatus

Relevant gender reference fittings.
Standards masses to provide a constant axial force of 27.5 N.

The Helixa can be programmed to apply an application torque as specified in the standard. If required, individual or batch identity can be entered for traceability purposes. Pre-programed tests can be selected on the touch screen console, and are conducted automatically. All results are stored in the system, and they can also be exported to a house data-logging or SPC system. Printed or .pdf reports are also available
Mecmesin Test Equipment Required

Helix precision torque testing system with Intelligent Torque cell



BS EN 1707:1997 Conical fittings with a 6% (Luer) taper for syringes, needles and certain other medical equipment. Lock fittings

Testing Luer lock fittings

BS EN 1707:1997 testing

Sample preparation for Luer lock testing

BS EN 1707:1997 testing

Luer lock fittings

BS EN 1707:1997 testing

Colour coded confirmation of correct application torque

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