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tear testing iconTear Testers

Tear strength and tear resistance need to be measured where a product is intended to tear, e.g. along a crease or perforation or to open a package, as much as to simply ensure strength. In some materials a tear will propagate rapidly, predictably or evenly, in others it will not. Tear testing methods set standard conditions under which a product or standard material sample can be treated in a repeatable way. Usually the tear is initiated with a cut or notch in the prepared sample.

Some tear test methods use a falling pendulum to create impact, but most apply a tension. Mecmesin fulfils the tensile testing standards with its range of universal testers.

Types of tear test

  • Delft tear (slit) test
  • double rip (tongue) tear test
  • single rip (trouser) tear test
  • trapezoidal tear test
  • wing (Winkelmann or Graves) tear test

Recommended Mecmesin Tear Resistance Testers


Related test types: Tensile Strength, Lap Shear, Peel/Adhesion

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