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Tests that can be performed with Mecmesin equipment:

    Top load – non vented
    Top load - vented
    Top load – filled & capped


 Test Summary

The isbt has issued a set of voluntary standards for the testing of PET bottles. Mecmesin equipment can be used to perform the following tests from these standards:

Test Procedure


Top-load – non vented. Test to withstand counter pressure during lift cylinder filling and capping operations.

1. Select at least 12 empty bottles aged at least 72 hours
2. Compress with a non-vented steel compression plate at 510 mm/min (20 in/min) to 3.75 mm (0.15 in)
3. Record maximum load at 3.75 mm (0.15 in) or deflection and load if this occurs before 3.75 mm (0.15 in)
4. Record where bottle failed e.g. crushed foot, shoulder dent etc.

Top-load – vented. Test to withstand pressure during normal warehousing.

1. Select at least 12 empty bottles aged at least 72 hours

2. Compress with a vented steel compression plate at 510 mm/min (20 in/min) to 3.75 mm (0.15 in)
3. Record maximum load at 3.75 mm (0.15 in) or deflection and load if this occurs before 3.75 mm (0.15 in)
4. Record where bottle failed e.g. crushed foot, shoulder dent etc.

Top-load – filled & capped. Test to withstand warehouse stacking.

1. Select at least 12 empty bottles aged at least 72 hours, fill to level per end user’s product requirements and cap with appropriate sizes closure.
2. Compress with a steel compression plate at 510 mm/min (20 in/min) to 6.35 mm (0.25 in)
3. Record maximum load at 6.36 mm (0.25 in), or deflection and load if this occurs before 6.25 mm (0.25 in)
4. Record where bottle failed e.g. crushed foot, shoulder dent etc.

Test Apparatus

Motorised force testing stand – MultiTest-xt or Mul;tiTest-i

Loadcell of appropriate range – e.g. 1000 N
Vented and non-vented compression plates

Please refer to the latest official isbt standard for more detailed information. This overview is intended to provide a basic understanding of the test procedure and suitable equipment to meet the standard.

International Society of Beverage Technologists Standards for testing PET bottles

isbt top-load testing

Top-load with vented plate

isbt top-load testing

MultiTest xt force testing stand

Top-load result

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