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Needle Pull-out Test


The customer, Oxford Instruments, wished to perform a destructive pull-out test to evaluate the maximum tension force to pull the 2 components apart. The system was designed to confirm the tensile integrity of the crimped ferrule on the end of a hypodermic needle.


The system was constructed using a Manual Test Stand and an Advanced Force Gauge with the needle held in a self-tightening Wedge Grip. The ferrule was supported in a Universal Support Fixture. The customer required a relatively low-cost solution which provided flexibility for various component variations and ensured the operator was protected during the course of the test from fracture and breakage of the sample. The combination of Small Wedge Grip and Universal Support Fixture enabled a wide range of component variations to be tested. A full surround guard was supplied with the system to ensure operator safety at all times.


  • MDD Test Stand
  • Advanced Force Gauge 100 N
  • Small Wedge Grip
  • Universal Support Fixture

Supplied to

Oxford Instruments, Bucks, UK

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