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Mecmesin launch on-line store

Mecmesin, international manufacturer of force and torque testing systems, has announced the launch of a new on-line store, Mecmesin Instruments Direct.

Laid out over a cleanly-designed, clearly-structured and easily-navigable platform, the new on-line store will offer customers the opportunity buy Mecmesin’s range of low cost, portable instruments and accessories online. The store is arranged over two sites, one dedicated to customers in North America, the other to serve customers throughout the rest of the world.

Instruments available through this new on-line shopping facility include analogue and digital handheld force gauges, torque gauges, intelligent loadcells, impact force testers and manual test stands (US only), as well as a range of grips, cables and auxiliary accessories.

The new on-line store may be accessed through the company’s existing corporate website, or directly by going to www.mecmesin.com/us for the USA store, and www.mecmesin.com/uk for the store serving the rest of the world. The Mecmesin corporate site, www.mecmesin.com, will continue to provide business information and technical application advice, as well as information regarding the company’s more sophisticated testing systems.

Jenny Jones, Marketing Manager at Mecmesin said,

“We hope that our customers will find our new online store a fast, secure and hassle free method of sourcing our unique range of force and torque testing instruments.”

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