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Mecmesin Launches New Force & Torque Test Solutions Website

A specialist in force and torque measurement, Mecmesin has launched a new international website www.mecmesin.com. With over 35 years experience providing force and torque test solutions to companies large and small in numerous industries worldwide, the website offers a comprehensive insight into force and torque measurement, as well as Mecmesin’s extensive range of test equipment.

The website is designed with a simple, and easily navigable, layout. Emphasis has been placed on providing visitors with information related directly to their specific industry and type of test, enabling straightforward assessment of solutions relevant to their application.

The ‘industry’ section provides an overview of test measurement within individual industry sectors including packaging, medical, aerospace, automotive, textile, safety, electronics, cosmetics, manual handling and engineering. The ‘test types’ section gives information relevant to specific tests including compression, tension, closure torque, peel/adhesion, flexure/bend, tear, top-load, spring, crimp-joint and coefficient of friction.

Case studies, highlighting how Mecmesin customers are using force and torque test equipment to solve their applications, are easily located via industry, test type and product areas.

Visitors gain a comprehensive introduction to Mecmesin’s full range of products, including gauges, manual and motorised force and torque test systems and accessories, via individually categorised force and torque headings on the homepage.

The ‘knowledge centre’ offers a number of useful tools including conversion calculators, white papers, frequently asked questions and a glossary. An interactive map feature acts as a quick and simple location tool to track down Mecmesin’s representatives, whilst a ‘call me back’ button leads visitors to an enquiry form that is passed directly to a relevant distributor for their expertise locally.

John Page, Managing Director comments,


‘The new website is designed to clearly illustrate the solutions Mecmesin provides and how our products are used day-to-day from the factory floor to laboratory environments. To further develop Mecmesin as a global brand for affordable, quality control test solutions, the website will also be translated into other languages, including French, German, Spanish and Chinese.’

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