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Mecmesin, a leading manufacturer of force and torque test equipment, has launched the MultiTest-xt force measurement system, incorporating the latest touch screen technology.

Designed for customers in busy production environments who want an easy-to-use test system, without the need for a PC or complex software, the MultiTest-xt is a stand-alone system encapsulating all the elements needed to perform quality control assessments in a robust self-contained unit.

The sealed touch screen houses a simple user-interface, suitable for any level of operator, from engineers and line managers to quality control specialists.

Programming functions, test data and evaluation tools are all accessed via a straightforward menu navigation structure, enabling quick selection and commencement of tests, for example, in ‘quick test’ mode, a test can be chosen and started with a couple of taps to the screen!

Clear colour-coded pass/fail indicators allow smooth, efficient routine in-line checks, whilst a range of analysis tools provide ample data interrogation options to highlight points of interest, detect problems and identify key design parameters for reporting purposes.

Checks performed by manufacturers on samples straight from the production line are an essential requirement to qualify the quality of manufacture.

The xt can offer this reassurance and is delivered with a set of common compression, extension and cycling tests pre-installed for users to begin testing as soon as the system is installed.

Password security prevents accidental tampering of sensitive data or test program set-up. Data can be viewed, stored, exported and printed to maintain accurate records and traceability.

John Page, Mecmesin Managing Director, “The xt represents a major step forward for the company’s engineering and future test capabilities. Usability and longevity are important concerns for any company undertaking QC force measurement tests. Therefore, we have knowingly addressed these issues to create a reliable and hard working dedicated shop floor tester, capable of consistently providing accurate results right at the point of production.”

The MultiTest-xt is available in 6 capacities from low force measurement ranges including 1000 N, 2500 N and 5000 N, up to high capacity twin-column test systems, which include 10,000 N, 25,000 N and 50,000 N.

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