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New manual handling solutions brochure from Mecmesin

Mecmesin, a leading designer and manufacturer of force gauges within Europe, has just released the ‘Test Solutions for Manual Handling’ brochure.

The latest addition to Mecmesin’s industry-focussed literature cuts through the mountain of manual handling information available by highlighting and offering solutions to the main issues faced by employers, health & safety professionals and ergonomists, and includes current legislation and standards of compliance.

The brochure is divided into 3 distinct categories;

‘Job Task Evaluation’ provides employers with relevant information as to how they can improve health & safety, production efficiency and minimise the risk of injury to their workforce through job task evaluation tests.

The ‘Safety Regulations’ section targets surveyors, building officers and safety professionals, drawing the spotlight onto access provision and building hardware, such as doors, windows, gates, locks and handles. It notes the many standards these components must adhere to and the requirement to continually monitor and maintain safety through appropriate testing techniques.

‘Ergonomics & Occupational Health’ describes how clinicians and therapists are able to assess a wide range of health and fitness issues by measuring isometric muscle strength using Mecmesin force measurement equipment.

The brochure offers valuable information to those concerned with manual handling and demonstrates how force & torque measurement can prove essential for a variety of manual handling applications.

Download your copy now for more information.

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